MBA General Management
Masters in Business Administration
Become a business leader with an MBA in General Management!
An MBA in General Management provides students with the management and leadership skills that will last throughout their career. MBA General Management prepares students for senior level management positions in a variety of businesses.
In addition to a comprehensive MBA program, an MBA in General Management degree will provide you with the skills to handle the complexities of managing people, including team working abilities, managerial goals and values, and how these skills are applied in the real world to manage businesses.
MBA General Management program often includes such integral topics as strategic management, financial management, creativity and innovation, and management within the international marketplace.
Methodology of our MBA
For managers and those who can take a year out to study and want to extend their international perspective. The MBA program`s offered by the Institute of Business and Management Sciences (IBMS) is the Swiss School and American School. Taught by a faculty of experienced academics and industry practitioners, this MBA program aims to empower future global managers with the analytical, critical, market-relevant knowledge and competencies.
Find yourself on the front-lines of an exciting career with an MBA in Management. Choose from the many institutions in stimulating locations learning from qualified business professionals. Who knows what is waiting for you?
For more information...
MBA Program one year Full Time Classes and Six months final project and Internship
- Workshop in negotiating
- Management accounting
- EC and Community Law 1
- Finance Management
- Business Ethics
- Organizational Behavior
- Principal of Marketing and Marketing Management
- Market research and Corporate Strategy
- Strategic Management in the Organization
- Business Policy and Strategy
- International Business and Commercial Law 2
- Human Resource Management
- Communication and Management
- Re-engineering Management and Organization
- Language : English and French
- Internship for all MBA students – Full time or part time.
- Research Project and Final Thesis
At the end of MBA program student can choose the Major in which he/she will specialize. In these days employer always searching employee with specialized degree and background profiles. IBMS`s can help students for their future Career and Professions.
Internship & Final Research
Foreign students are permitted to complete their final Research work and thesis in Switzerland and other countries.